Where are they now?
Our Biogeochemistry alumni graduate from a variety of colleges and departments, and continue on to have careers in academia, industry, government, and elsewhere!
Esther Muñoz
Ph.D., 2024: Title
Ben Davis Barnes
Ph.D., 2022: The biogeochemical cycling of rare earth elements in the modern and ancient oceans
Now: Agouron Geobiology Postdoctoral Fellow in Dept. of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College
Si (Athena) Chen
Ph.D., 2021: The formation of iron (hydr)oxides in surface environments: a crystallographic and kinetic study
Now: Post-doctoral researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Shelby Lyons
Ph.D., 2020: The role of petrogenic carbon in Cenozoic climate events
Now: Geoscientist at ExxonMobil / Organic & stable isotope geochemist
Uyen Nguyen
Ph.D., 2018: Geochemical and metagenomic investigation of marine hydrocarbon biodegradation
Now: Technical product manager of analytics with Skedulo
Xin Gu
Ph.D., 2017: Characterizing structure and geochemistry of shale pores by neutron scattering
Now: Research Assistant Professor for Geosciences Department at Penn State
Jason Boettger
Ph.D. 2017: CO2 hydration and hydroxylation: the origin of carbonate kinetic isotope effects
Now: Postdoctoral scholar, University of Texas at El Paso and Adjunct Instructor of Geology, Pellissippi State Community Collge
Leah Brandt
Ph.D., 2016: A molecular analysis of subsurface microbial communities across a hydrothermal gradient in Okinawa Trough sediments
Now: Research Instructor in Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Pittsburgh
Elizabeth Denis
Ph.D., 2016: Production and preservation of organic and fire-derived carbon across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
Now: Chemist and Earth Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Christine Doman
Ph.D. 2014: Stable isotope and lipid signatures of plants across a climate gradient: implications for biomarker-based paleoclimate reconstructions
Now: Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometrist with SNA International
Amanda Martino
Ph.D. 2014: Assessment and advancement of approaches for the study of subseafloor microbial communities
Now: Associate Professor of Biology, St. Francis University
Karen Smith
Ph.D. 2014: Exogenous and endogenous sources of organic compounds on the early Earth: Investigating carbonaceous meteorites and plausibly prebiotic complex mixtures by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Now: Postdoctoral researcher at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Tiffany Yesavage
Ph.D. 2014: Chemical and physical weathering in regolith: an investigation of three different Fe-rich sites of varying climate and lithology
Now: Freelance science writer and proud single mom
Ying Cui
Ph.D. 2014: Carbon addition during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: model inversion of a new, high-resolution carbon isotope record from Svalbard
Now: Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Studies, Montclair State University
Heather Graham
Ph.D. 2014: Molecular and isotopic indicators of canopy closure in ancient forests and the effects of environmental gradients on leaf alkane expression
Now: Research Associate at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Clayton Magill
Ph.D. 2013: Molecular and isotopic perspectives on early human habitats at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
Now: Research Fellow at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh UK
Elizabeth Herndon
Ph.D. 2012: Biogeochemistry of manganese contamination in a temperate forested watershed
Now: Staff Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Daniel S. Jones
Ph.D. 2011: Microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of sulfidic karst ecosystems
Now: Assistant Professor of Geobiology, New Mexico Tech, and Academic Director for National Cave and Karst Research Institute
Aaron Regberg
Ph.D. 2011: The effect of dissimilatory iron reduction, nitrate reduction and microbial growth on electrical conductivity
Now: Geomicrobiologist, Astromaterials Curaton and Planetary Protection Lead at NASA
Katherine Dawson
Ph.D. 2011: Biogeochemistry of isoprenoid production and anaerobic hydrocarbon biodegradation
Now: Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University
Aaron Diefendorf
Ph.D. 2011: Environmental and ecological constraints on molecular and isotopic signatures in terrestrial organic carbon
Now: Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Cincinnati
Tim Fischer
Ph.D. 2011: Structural transformations of birnessite ([delta]-MnO₂) during biological and abiological reduction
Now: Oil and Gas Program Manager in the Center for Economic Geology Research (CEGR)
Heidi Albrecht
Ph.D. 2011: Bacteriohopanepolyols across environmental gradients
Now: Geochemist for Shell Exploration and Production
James Fulton
Ph.D. 2010: Interpreting nitrogen isotope excursions in the sedimentary record
Now: Assistant Research Professor of Geology at Baylor University
Bryn Kimball
Ph.D. 2009: Biogeochemical cycling of copper in acid mine drainage
Now: Senior Geochemist at INTERA Incorporated
Katja Meyer
Ph.D. 2008: Biogeochemistry of oceanic euxinia in earth history: numerical modeling and evaluation of biomarkers using modern analogs
Now: Assistant Professor of Environmental and Earth Sciences, Willamette University
Randal B. Thomas
Ph.D. 2008: Intramolecular isotopic variation in acetate in sediments and wetland soil
Now: Professor of Environmental and Earth Science, Willamette University
Environmental Engineering
Katharina Pankratz
Ph.D., 2024: Freshwater Bivalves as Localized Indicators of Anthropogenic Pollution Throughout the Appalachian Basin
Now: Water Resources Engineer at Buchart Horn, Inc.
Kayalvizhi Sadayappan
Ph.D., 2024: Uncovering patterns and processes regulating stream water chemistry from catchment to continental scale
Now: Postdoc at Penn State
Devon Kerins
Ph.D., 2024: What lies beneath? Disentangling climate and catchment controls on the prodecuon and export of subsurface water and carbon fluxes.
Now: Assistant Professor, University College, Dublin, Ireland
Bryn Stewart
Ph.D. 2023: From Above and Below: Controls of External Climate Drivers and Internal Subsurface Structure on Catchment Hydro-Biogeochemistry
Jimmy Farnan
Ph.D. 2022: Environmental and toxicological impacts from oil and gas wastewater disposal practices in Pennsylvania
Diana Ayala
Ph.D. 2021: Omics-enabled evaluation of microbial communities in acidic environmental systems
Now: Professor in bioprocesses modelling at Universidad de las Americas-Ecuador
Lance Larson
Ph.D. 2013: Integrated hydro-biogeochemistry: iron dynamics in acid mine drainage environments
Now: Analyst in environmental policy at Congressional Research Service
Lisa Steinberg
Ph.D. 2009: Improved anaerobic digester stability to organic loading rate shocks with the use of an environmentally derived inoculum
Now: Founder of SciNcite doing scientific and R&D grant writing, business development, and research
Paulina Piotrowski
Ph.D. 2018: Enhancing analytical methods towards the geochemical and biogeochemical fingerprinting of shale gas systems
Now: Animal drug review chemist at FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine
Tarik Acevedo
Ph.D. 2024: Post-Reclamation Management of Mined Lands and Impacts on Soil Microbial Activity
Now: Water Authority, Canton, GA
Curt McConnell
Ph.D. 2023: Phosphorus Dynamics in a Changing Agroecosystem Landscape
Now: Scientist, Sustainability Program, Indigo Ag
Christy Grettenberger
Ph.D. 2015: Microbial communities in acid mine drainage ecosystems
Now: Visiting Scientist in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at UC Davis
Aliana Reichert-Eberhardt
Ph.D. 2014: Impacts of surrounding land-use regime on the ecosystem services of denitrification and carbon storage in headwater wetlands in the Ridge and Valley physiographic province
Luke McCormack
Ph.D. 2012: Measuring and modeling fine root dynamics in temperate forests
Now: Tree root biologist at the Morton Arboretum
Kevin Mueller
Ph. D. 2011: The influence of trees on soil biogeochemistry
Now: Assistant Professor of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences at Cleveland State University
Plant Pathology
Terry Torres Cruz
Ph.D., 2023: From fungus to flower: Pseudoflower formation by a novel Fusarium species from Guyana and its dispersal by insects
Now: Postdoctoral Scientist, Purdue University
Phillip Martin
Ph.D., 2021: The biology and management of bitter rot of apple in the Mid-Atlantic United States
Now: Research Scientist, LABServices
Rob Harvey
Ph.D. 2018: Evaluation of two sustainable practices for plant pathogen eradication
Now: Principle Scientist, Hazen and Sawyer, Baltimore, MD
Chris Smyth
Ph.D. 2018: Sink drains to sea turtle nests: unraveling the ecology and epidemiology of sea turtle fusariosis
Now: Lecturer in Biological Sciences, Binghamton University
Soil Science
Brian Redder
Ph.D., 2025: Assessing drinking water quality in Pennsylvania: Linking science, policy, and public health.
Now: Program Supervisor, Lead and Copper Rule, Fairfax Water
Zachary Sanders
Ph.D., 2022: Using Field and Model Data to Improve Sustainable Management of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur in Agroecosystems of Central Pennsylvania
Now: Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oklahoma
Caitlin Hodges
Ph.D., 2021: Interactions between minerals, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in the critical zone
Now: Assistant Professor of Critical Zone Geoscience, School of Geosciences, University of Oklahoma
Mara Cloutier
Ph.D., 2021: Toward understanding the impact of management practices on soil microbial nitrogen dynamics in agroecosystems
Now: Project Manager for the Dairy Soil and Water Regeneration project at the Soil Health Institute
Allison L. Franklin
Ph.D. 2019: The influence of wastewater reuse on the occurrence of antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and toxicological impacts in the environment
Now: Environmental Biologist, USEPA Office of Research and Development
Emily Duncan
Ph.D. 2016: Nitrogen cycling and trade-offs with alternative manure application
Now: Senior Environmental Scientist, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Julie Weitzman
Ph.D. 2016: Variation in soil nitrogen retention across land uses, landscapes, and landforms in central Pennsylvania
Now: Research and Development Scientist, Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Lab, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University
Charles M. White
Ph.D. 2016: Using cover crop mixtures to reduce nitrate leaching and supply nitrogen to corn: Models to inform adaptive management
Now: Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist of soil fertility and nutrient management at Penn State
Emily Woodward
Ph.D. 2016: Optimization of estrogen analyses and quantification of environmental samples from Pennsylvania water systems
Now: Research Physical Scientist, USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center
Debasish Saha
Ph.D. 2015: Nitrous oxide emissions in a landscape transitioning to the energy crops Miscanthus and Switchgrass
Now: Assistant Professor of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, University of Tennessee
Alison Grantham
Ph.D. 2015: Improving nitrogen management in agriculture: opportunities gleaned from organic systems
Now: Founder of Grow Well Consulting
Claudia Rojas
Ph.D. 2013: Effect of vegetative reclamation on microbial diversity and iron biogeochemistry in acid mine drainage precipitates at a 50-yr-old barrens
Now: Associate Professor at the Universidad de O’Higgins in the Instituto de Ciencias Agronomicas, Chile
Carla Rosenfeld
Ph.D. 2013: Heavy metal biogeochemistry: cadmium and zinc dynamics at the plant-soil interface
Now: Assistant Curator of Earth Sciences at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Marshall McDaniel
Ph.D. 2011: Ecosystem disturbance in a warmer and wetter northeastern US: how will soil C and N losses and microbial communities respond to a forest harvest in the future?
Now: Associate Professor of Agronomy at Iowa State University
Maina C. Martir Torres
Ph.D. 2010: Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to soil mulching and interactions with soil temperature and moisture regimes
Now: Climate Change and Biodiversity Specialist at the US Agency for International Development
Morgan Minyard
Ph.D. 2010: Microbe-mineral associations in tropical saprolite and saprock formed from weathered quartz diorite
Now: Science and Technology Manager at United States Department of Defense
Ekaterina Bazilevskaya
Ph.D. 2009: Iron and aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles in the environment: from nano-scale to the field processes
Now: Director of the Soil Research Cluster Lab and Assistant Professor Penn State