Author: muc345

  • ECMSS 2019

    The Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology Student Symposium will be held on March 15-16 and abstracts are due February 21st. Keynote speakers include: Dr. Michael Hoffmann, Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, California Institute of Technology. Dr. Hoffmann is the 2019 Kappe Lecturer. The Kappe lecture series is an endowed seminar held annually by the Department…

  • Diana Ayala visits Wagenigen University, Netherlands, on SIAM Talent Grant

    Diana Ayala was awarded a SIAM Talent Grant to attend a summer school in anaerobic microbiology in the Wagenigen University in the Netherlands in August 2017. I think this is an amazing opportunity for other people who are also interested in anaerobic microbes. Here is the link of the SIAM website . “The lab work…

  • New Class Offering: PPEM 440

    PPEM 440, Environmental Microbiomes: Concepts and Analysis Tools will be a new class offered fall 2018 and will be instructed by Dr. Terry Bell, a new Biogeochemistry Faculty member in the PPEM department. Here is a brief description of the course outcomes: this course is intended for students with very little background in programming or bioinformatics, but…

  • ECMSS 2018: April 13-14th

    Mark your calendars for the 21st annual Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology Student Symposium! It will be held April 13-14th and co-chairs Mara Cloutier and Jenelle Fortunato have promised a great event! Click here for more information:   This spring Mara Cloutier will start a biogeochemistry student organization and she is looking for people who would…