About the Program

The Biogeochemistry Dual-Title Graduate Program continues the tradition of the Biogeochemical Research Initiative for Education (BRIE), which was funded from 1999-2006 by the National Science Foundation’s Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) grant. The establishment of the Biogeochemistry Dual-Title Ph.D. was a transformational outcome of Penn State’s commitment to permanent institutional change and interdisciplinary graduate training.

For PhD students

The Biogeochemistry Dual-Title Degree Program is administered by the Department of Geosciences and Department of Ecosystem Science and Management for the participating graduate programs. An executive committee with representatives from participating graduate departments maintains program definition, identifies courses appropriate to the program, and recommends policy and procedures for the program’s operation to the dean of the Graduate School and to the deans of the participating colleges.

The dual-title degree program is offered through participating programs in
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (Geosciences, Mineral Engineering)
College of Agricultural Sciences (Soil Science, Plant Pathology)
College of Engineering (Environmental Engineering)
Eberly College of Science (Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Intercollege Graduate Degree Programs (Ecology).

The program enables students to learn about perspectives, techniques, and methodological approaches in the field of biogeochemistry, while maintaining a close association with major program areas of study.

For Masters students

Students can obtain a minor in biogeochemistry by completing 6 credit hours of biogeochemistry courses listed in the Biogeochemistry Curriculum Table (August 2024).
Students will need to notify their advisor that they wish to get the minor and fill out paperwork.


If you know what academic home you will have and are interested in the program but unsure about the course work, time commitment, please contact the BGC program head, Dr. Li Li.